Contact Number
Business Name
Please briefly describe your business.
Do you currently have a website?
[group currentlyhavewebsiteifno]
Which services would you like to go for?
ConsultingEcommerce DevelopmentCatalog & Content ManagementMulti-Channel EcommerceBack-Office Support
[group currentlyhavewebsiteifyes]
What CMS do you use?
How long have you had it?
Share the URL of your website.
What is/isn’t working for you?
Who is your target audience?
(Demographics, media consumption habits, insights into end user behaviour and patterns)
What specific feature would you like on your website?
Online booking formBlogWebsite chatSocial media integrationPhoto galleriesA separate mobile or responsive siteVideo integrationA contact form
Who are your current main competitors?
(Competitor website links, separate multiple links with comma ",")
What makes you different from your competitors?
(unique selling propositions)
What are your expectations?
(final deadline, key milestones, budget, is there a flexibility in timeline and budget?)
Which Marketing services would you like to opt for?
Search Engine OptimizationSocial Media OptimizationEmail MarketingPay Per Click Advertisement
Please choose the pages you would like on your website (Default pages are pre-checked)
Home PageLogin/ Sign up PageAbout us PageBlog Set UpPrivacy PolicyTerms & Conditions PageCheck out PageShipping PolicyAccount Control Panel for UsersShopping Cart/ Wish List PageProducts PageFAQ PageProduct Warranty PageCategories/ Brands Page
Do you have the content ready for your site?
YesNoCan Collaborate
(Product description, product images, T&C, Privacy policy, all website on-page content)